
Wow, blogger bites

I cranked up the Cheater's Guide Blog this week, after switching back from the Movable Type disaster and.. now I want to break something.

I couldn't figure out how to get labels dynamically listed in a chunk on the side, even though that feature seems like it'd be pretty obvious to implement. But couldn't be done. Even a way to generate a link to archives by label... Nope. For whatever reason, if I want to use a particular template, I don't get to have a list of labels on the side. Why? No good reason.

It's not even about the drag-and-drop template feature! It's about the widget. If the archive widget works, and all these other widgets, why not labels?

I guess I'm going to have to go find a cheap outside host after all. AWESOME.


At 12:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I'm not a web developer, but...oh wait, I guess I am.

If you know all this crap already, I apologize for boring you.

WordPress has its issues, primary among those being that you have to dig around in PHP if you want to do anything with it, but it's working well for Rolling Stone. All our production blogs run off of it, and it's been really stable.

Typo is not bad, although most of the cool Rails kids are using Mephisto these days. Having tried both, Typo seems more mature, but Mephisto seems cleaner and generally better.

You might consider a VPS for your hosting. I'm currently using SliceHost, which has a 256MB/10GB plan for $20 a month. For that you get a dedicated slice of a pretty burly box. I haven't thrown significant load at mine, but it's really nice to have control equivalent to a dedicated box (i.e. you have root) without paying $150 or whatever it costs these days for a dedicated box.

Actually, come to think of it...I'm not using anywhere near the capacity of my slice, and I've got it all set up to host multiple sites. We should talk. Depending on what sort of traffic you think you might get, I might be able to squeeze you on there.


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